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19 août 2012, 19:10, par Mike @ Operabase

It’s been a strange, but fun, day researching contemporary composers .. first Richard Ayers’ biographies and then your site. As a small thank-you for making my day more amusing, can I make two suggestions :

Cryptolectes : argot, verlan, 1337 et LOLCODE. Can I recommend reading Feersum Endjinn by Iain M Banks ? It’s not his best (see Player of Games (or Use of Weapons)), but one quarter of the book is written in a very playful mode that u 1/2 2 c to believe.

Centres d’intérêt : La créativité et le lien social, les sciences humaines .... et les séries télévisées (principalement britanniques). If you include comedy in this, I cannot recommend too highly the BBC TV series Coupling which is brilliantly creative, observant, perfectly written, very well cast.

Somebody remarked of Banks that he « makes up rules for the pleasure of breaking them ». This is equally true of Steven Moffat’s writing in Coupling.

Best, Mike

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